The healthy minded always say “healthy body equals healthy mind”, this is the reason why our learners are encouraged to participate in sporting activities not only to participate competitively but also to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The school offers a variety of sporting activities that are on offer for the whole academic year in all sections of the school.

These include:
Athletics, Ball skills, Netball, Volleyball, Basketball, indoor sports. As the school grows, there will be an increase to the kinds of sporting activities offered.
Clubs for both Primary & High schools are available. These are chosen by the learners in line with their personal preferences.
Music lessons are offered by a qualified music teacher. Art classes will also soon be offered to learners who want to attend extra curricular activities including dance, gymnastics, ballet and taekwondo at an extra cost with qualified trainers.
For further enquiries and questions about our school please do not hesitate to call our school.